Buffy - Getting to Know Our Pontoon Girl®
Buffy Waters
Job Expertise: Owner of BuffyWaters.com and KnotsAboutYou.com and loves her Personalized Nautical Flags merchandise line
Passion: Women Need Nautical In their Life
Mission: Bring Boating To Women’s Homes, their Lives, and their Soul. Be One With the Nautical.
“There were limes and lemons and coconuts rolling down the dock. It was so embarrassing.” Said Buffy. “I mean, the soggy bottom of her bag just let go. I was like, “Hello Nautical? Um… water on a boat and that little brown shopping bag are a ‘slo-mo, what the heck are you thinking moment’…And that’s when it hit me, that’s how I knew I was meant to open a store devoted to the Nautical Life. Soggy Bottoms are… like… bad boating rule number 1… so SO preventable” She continued as she rolled her eyes.
Buffy is our gal that has a passion for bringing omni present nautical to the dock, door, deck, and soul of every woman out there. She’s a goal orientated take action kind of gal that can rally her friends with a hairflip.
Her fearless, in the moment, get it done work ethic is the success of Buffy Waters online. She would love to open a store in a water town near you! But her realistic side is plowing water and bringing ideas from her friends and customers to life.
She hates icky things. Like ropes that are crusty. She has been heard once or twice to say, “You wouldn’t wear dingy socks, would you? I mean… Millions of dollars are spent on advertising soap to turn your dingy socks bright white… so, why have yucky ropes when you can have pretty colorful ropes that are soft and have your name on them?” This time uttered with a head tilt.
OH if you really want to get her talking, ask her why emoji’s don’t contain nautical flags…