My Birthday Page

It's my birthday so this is all about my two favorite things...

Diet Pepsi and Chocolate Chip Cookies!  I found all of the info on Pinterest and the links are below!  Celebrate with me!

FIRST:  Chocolate Chip Birthday Cake!

AMAZING topped with YUMMMMMM!!!  Check out the recipe here...


Here's my dream birthday cake... OMG!

This is the cutest idea ever... what a great way to bundle the soda for your next party.... OR my birthday!  Here's the link.



If you really like someone - - USE BOTTLES! 

Best Cake Ever!  Here's the link...


NOW... on to the chocolate chip cookies... here's how to prevent cookietastrophies.

Like I said there are no bad cookies... admit it... you'll eat the mistakes!  Here's the link.


BUT if you want the BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies... I guess this is a no-fail article...

I say give it a try.... here's the link


AND if you don't want to make a whole batch... how about a Chocolate Chip Cookie for ONE!  Honestly this recipe and the birthday cake of Diet Pepsi... BEST DAY EVER.

Here's the link so you can have your craving met without the mess!