Looking for a couple drink options for your Valentines Day Boat Ride? Here are three!
Alright, if you're in the frozen north, these are drinks you can make at home and still celebrate!
I discovered them on Pinterest... and they look fun, yummie, and easy... so go for it and enjoy!
Cupid Punch.
Now here's the funny part -- it's call Sparkling Berry Punch on the main page with the recipe... but we'll roll with Cupid Punch! haha
This one is great because you can make it with or without your adult beverage... yummmmm
Pink Fizzy Drink
OK, this might not be the best on a boat because you need raspberry ice cream, but I had to include it because anything calle "pink" and "fizzy" deserves my attention!
Pink Velvet Hot Chocolate
Staying indoors for the holiday? This might be a great treat for the sweet tooth AND a wonderful warm up on a cool February day.
Get your fun straws on Boating Rocks. We use the disposable paper straws that are fun and keep our waterways clean.